Today's Kus Word

You Have Permission to Begin Again

Michele Kus, M.A. Episode 10

Text Michele

Welcome to an exciting new chapter of our podcast! We’ve rebranded from “New Creation Meditations” to “Rise and Reign,” marking a shift toward creating a space filled with authenticity, joy, and daily encouragement with just the right amount of snark mixed in. (But don’t worry, we’ll still have some meditations for you!)

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Need some encouragement and a good laugh? Today's Kus Word* is your weekday blast of inspiration! Join Christian life coach and Bible nerd, Michele Kus, for some piping hot FREEDOM-bombs, dropping every morning, Monday through Friday. #TodaysKusWord

*{There is no actual cussing on Today's Kus Word!}

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Good morning, it's Monday, March 3rd, and this is Rise and Reign. Welcome to the Rise and Reign podcast, your five minutes a day, five days a week, burst of morning inspiration. Join me, Michele Kus, every Monday through Friday as I bring you a piping hot, fresh-baked, daily Kus word. Yeah, see what I did there? Well, hello, friend.


So if you've been following this podcast for a while, you've probably realized by now that it's not this podcast. That's because I rebranded! This show used to be called New Creation Meditations, which, admittedly, is a very clever name, mostly because it rhymes. But I rebranded because I don't want to limit this podcast to just meditations anymore. I want this show to be a daily dose of encouragement to get your day started on the right foot, like an inspiration blast, and that means it could be a short Bible teaching, a coaching tip, a life hack to raise your emotional intelligence, or a cool testimony of God's goodness or, yes, a meditation. So while I did like the name New Creation Meditations, I found it kind of limiting because I want this show to be so much more than just meditations, although it will include those too. So that's why I titled this episode.


You Have Permission to Begin Again. That is exactly what I'm doing with this show and look, if something's not working for you, guess what? You have permission to begin again. There are just times in life when we just have not hashtag nailed it the first time, and that's okay. We can quit and give up, which I was tempted to do, or we can keep going and keep doing what we're doing, even though it's not quite hitting the mark, or, worst of all, we can second-guess ourselves into complete oblivion, so much so that we never even start. That's probably the worst thing to do. Or we can course correct and begin again. So I chose to begin again. So the other reason I rebranded this show is because I needed a fresh start. So I'll be completely honest with you.


I was taking the production of New Creation Meditations way too seriously. I was being very perfectionistic about it, making sure the audio levels were just right, picking the just right music and pacing my voice just right and perfecting the mix, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I don't know. Maybe you can relate. So, in short, I'm thinking I am taking myself way too seriously and I think I kind of burned myself out.


So this was supposed to be fun and I think I made it into a job. Part of the reason for this, I think, is because sometimes I do audio production stuff in real life as like my real job and, admittedly, I am very perfectionistic in the studio and I know it's a problem, but it's a problem that my clients don't mind that I have. But look y'all, I am not doing this podcast to give myself another job. I'm doing this podcast to be creative and to have fun and maybe to share some cool nuggets of inspiration with you. And I'm also doing it because blogging takes way too much time. So this is like for me, like audio blogging, it's a lot quicker and I mean, let's be honest, like talking is just much quicker than writing, I mean, unless you are in fact, recording a meditation in which talking is much, much slower, but I digress.


So you can look forward to fun episodes that are perfectly imperfect but very authentic and hopefully a lot of fun. All right, that is all I got for you today. I hope you enjoyed # TodaysK usW ord. Yes, that is a real hashtag that I use on my socials and if you enjoyed it, share this episode with a friend and send me a text. Just click the link in the show notes that says send us a text and you can text me all about how I have made the worst mistake imaginable, rebranding the show, and how I need to bring back the rose gold headphones or don't. Thanks so much for joining me today and welcome to the all new, perfectly imperfect Rise and Reign podcast, and I will see you again tomorrow.

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