Today's Kus Word
Need some encouragement and a good laugh? Today's Kus Word* is your weekday blast of inspiration! Join Christian life coach and Bible nerd, Michele Kus, for some piping hot FREEDOM-bombs, dropping every morning, Monday through Friday. #TodaysKusWord
*{There is no actual cussing on Today's Kus Word!}
Today's Kus Word
Your Words Are Powerful
Your words shape spiritual reality. Every self-condemning statement or expression of doubt isn’t just frustration — it’s power in action. The story of Zechariah reveals this truth: when he doubted Gabriel’s promise of a son, God silenced him for nine months, not as punishment but as protection, preventing his words from hindering God’s divine plan. In contrast, Mary embraced her miracle with faithful words, saying, “Let it be to me according to your word.” Proverbs reminds us, “Life and death are in the power of the tongue.” Speak faith, and you align with heaven; speak doubt, and you resist it. Join us for today’s powerful episode!
Need some encouragement and a good laugh? Today's Kus Word* is your weekday blast of inspiration! Join Christian life coach and Bible nerd, Michele Kus, for some piping hot FREEDOM-bombs, dropping every morning, Monday through Friday. #TodaysKusWord
*{There is no actual cussing on Today's Kus Word!}
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It's Monday, March 10th, and this is Today's Kus Word. Welcome to Today's Kus Word, your five minutes a day, five days a week, inspiration blast. Join me, Michele Kus, your spiritual growth coach, every Monday through Friday, as I drop on you some piping hot freedom bombs. Yeah, you see what I did there. Hello and happy Monday, new creation. Have you ever said this about yourself? Oh man, I am such an idiot, or I'm not good at that, or I'll never figure this out, or I can't do this. Okay, hold up there, partner, let's talk for a few minutes today about the power of the words coming out of your mouth. If we could see what's happening in the spirit realm when we speak words, we would literally never speak another negative word, especially over ourselves.
Michele:So flip in your Bible over to Luke 1, and I want to show you something interesting that happens with this guy, Zechariah. So when the angel came to visit him, the angel said don't be afraid, Zechariah, your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son and you are to call. Call him John to make ready a people prepared for the Lord. Watch this. Luke 1, verse 18. Zechariah asked the angel how can I be sure of this? I am an old man and my wife is well along in years. Okay, pause, that was a really smart thing to say. Notice, he called himself old and he called his wife well along in years, smart guy, all right. So the angel said to him in verse 19, I am Gabriel, I stand in the presence of God and I have been sent to speak to you and to tell you this good news verse 20. And now you will be silent and not able to speak until the day this happens, because you did not believe my words, which will come true at their appointed time. Boom. Isn't it interesting how there are people in the Bible who argue with angels? Anyway.
Michele:So why is this such an important story? Because God had to mute Zechariah for nine months so he wouldn't abort what God was trying to do, which was to bring John the Baptist into the world, the world's first Baptist, if you will. So, Gabriel, the angel tells him he's going to be silent until this promise is fulfilled. So Zechariah's doubt didn't cancel the promise of God, but it did shut him up right, and God didn't want this thing aborted. And it's almost as if the silence gave him some time and some space to process what was happening and get his heart aligned with what God was doing here.
Michele:And it's interesting because later in the story we meet Mary, who has a completely different response, which is, let it be to me, according to your word, same angel, almost the same message. But we see these two very different responses. Zechariah's words full of doubt, and it got his mouth shut. And then we see Mary's words reflecting trust and obedience and opening the door to the greatest miracle in history, and she got to speak during her entire pregnancy. I bet you never thought about that before, did you?
Michele:So what does this story teach us? It teaches us that our words are powerful. They are containers for power, and Proverbs 18:21 actually tells us that life and death are in the power of the tongue. So when we speak words of faith, we are agreeing with heaven and aligning ourselves with what God is doing in the world, and when we speak words of doubt, we are doing the opposite of that. So here is Today's Kus Word, which is just a simple, easy-to-remember declaration that you can speak over yourself today to get your mind and your heart aligned with heaven. And it goes like this: "the words I speak are full of faith and trust. The words I speak are full of faith and trust. All right, that's what I got for you today.
Michele:I hope you enjoyed today's episode. If you did, please share it with a friend, and you can send me a text message. Yep, you can text the show right from your phone. You know I love reading them. Just click the link in the show notes that says Text Michele, and you can tell me some of the negative messages that you have spoken in the past that you are now going to change into positives. Thanks for joining me today and I will see you again tomorrow.