Today's Kus Word

I Choose to Speak Life!

Michele Kus, M.A. Episode 15

Text Michele

Today, we dive into the supernatural power of words and how they shape reality. From Zechariah’s silence to prevent doubt from derailing God’s plan to God’s “Let there be light” in Genesis 1, words have always been vessels of creative power. As Dan McCollam says, “Your experience will rise to the level of your declaration.” Speaking faith-filled words isn’t about ignoring reality but aligning your speech with heaven’s perspective — rewiring your brain toward faith through neuroplasticity. When you declare life, you actively participate in God’s creative process, transforming your mind and circumstances. Ready to unleash that power? Your words are more powerful than you think!

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Need some encouragement and a good laugh? Today's Kus Word* is your weekday blast of inspiration! Join Christian life coach and Bible nerd, Michele Kus, for some piping hot FREEDOM-bombs, dropping every morning, Monday through Friday. #TodaysKusWord

*{There is no actual cussing on Today's Kus Word!}

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It's Tuesday, March 11th, and this is Today's Kus Word. Welcome to Today's Kus Word, your weekday blast of inspiration. Join me, Michele Kus, every Monday through Friday for some piping hot faith bombs, freedom bombs, fun bombs and Holy Spirit fire bombs. Happy Tuesday, you more than a conqueror you! Yesterday, I shared the story with you of the high priest, Zechariah, after the angel Gabriel had told him the good news about the baby boy John that his wife, Elizabeth, who was well along in years, was going to have. And we talked about the power of our words, and here Zechariah's words had the potential to abort God's plans. So the angel Gabriel took it upon himself to completely silence Zechariah for the entire length of Elizabeth's pregnancy, so that he would not be able to kill off what God was trying to do in bringing about this baby boy, who would eventually become John the Baptist.


And so we all agreed yesterday, right, that you were going to stop saying negative stuff over yourself. Wasn't that our agreement? So now, do I think that God is going to strike you mute if you speak negative stuff over yourself? No, my friend, I do not. I do not think God is going to strike you mute, but do I believe that our words have the potential to possibly kill off what God might be trying to bring about in the world? Absolutely, and that was my point in yesterday's show.


But it's not just about the absence of negative speech and negative words, although that is super important. It's also about releasing life, speaking life, with our words. So we don't just want to not speak negative words, we also want to proactively speak positive words over ourselves, over others, and over our circumstances. So words are not just containers of information. Words are containers of power, and we see this all the way back in Genesis 1, where God himself speaks all of creation into existence with his words, "Let there be light," and light was, right? And we are made in his image. So our words have a spiritual power to bring things into existence in the same way and for the record, I'm not talking about manifesting or anything like that. I am talking about the supernatural power that God has given to your words, whether you realize you carry that power or not.


And I mentioned yesterday Proverbs 18, verse 21, which says the tongue has the power of life and death and those who love it will eat its fruit. So when we declare life-giving words, we are planting seeds in the spiritual realm that will eventually bear fruit, some kind of fruit. Will it be nice, beautiful, juicy, sweet, ripe fruit? Or will it be moldy, rotten fruit, like that black banana you've got sitting on your counter right now that is just begging to be made into banana bread? So think about that for a second. Your words are going to bear fruit at some point. So when you're speaking words, just be prepared to have a meal at some point. It's either going to be a delicious meal or it's going to be a not-so-delicious meal. So what if all of our word seeds eventually bloomed and blossomed into delicious meals of faith, of health, of joy, of prosperity, of hope, of great friendships, of a great marriage?


So Dan McCollam says it this way: "Your experience will rise to the level of your declaration. Your experience will rise to the level of your declaration." So what is the level of your declaration? Are you speaking level 10 words or are you speaking at a negative 13 level? So expect your life experience to follow suit.


The declarations that we make are not about denying reality, okay? Maybe the declaration that I gave you yesterday felt a little phony to you. Maybe you've never said anything like that before. Hey, good job for trying something new. But we are not actually denying reality. What we are doing is proclaiming God's higher reality and better reality, which might not currently match our current reality.


So the goal is to bring your words into alignment with heaven, into agreement with heaven, even if you don't see it here on earth yet. So if heaven is saying it, you're saying it, and if heaven's not saying it, you're not saying it. Does that make sense? So flip in your Bible over to Romans, chapter 4, verse 17, for a second. Paul is talking here about Abraham's faith, and I love how the English Standard Version words this. It says, "as it is written I have made you the father of many nations in the presence of the God in whom he believed. He's talking about Abraham, who gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not exist." Wow.


So yesterday I gave you this declaration: "The words I speak are full of faith and trust." Did you say it? Did you say it multiple times? Did you feel like you were lying? Well, guess what? You're not lying. You are learning to bring your words into agreement with heaven. And there's so much supernatural power when you bring your words into agreement with heaven. So I'm going to go into that topic on a different episode. But there is so much spiritual power in agreement, both in the negative and in the positive, but different episode for a different day. So every time you make that declaration, you are training your brain to speak words that are full of faith and trust. You are literally rewiring your brain toward faith and trust and away from doubt and skepticism. This is the beauty of neuroplasticity that God has put inside of our brains, so we can literally rewire our brains anytime we want so that they work for us and not against us.


So here is Today's Kus Word. It's a play on Proverbs 18:21, and your declaration today goes like this: "My words have the power of life and death and I choose to speak life. My words have the power of life and death and I choose to speak life." Good job! All right, that's what I got for you today. I hope you enjoyed today's episode and, if you did, please share it with a friend and remember to send me a text message. There's a little link down there in the show notes that says Text Michele, just tap that link on your phone and send me a text message and let me know how this is hitting you. Thanks so much for joining me today and I will see you again tomorrow.

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