Today's Kus Word
Need some encouragement and a good laugh? Today's Kus Word* is your weekday blast of inspiration! Join Christian life coach and Bible nerd, Michele Kus, for some piping hot FREEDOM-bombs, dropping every morning, Monday through Friday. #TodaysKusWord
*{There is no actual cussing on Today's Kus Word!}
Today's Kus Word
Train Your Brain to Think Like Jesus
Words shape our reality. Today’s episode dives into the powerful connection between spiritual transformation and neuroplasticity, showing how speaking God’s truth about us rewires our brains to think more like Christ. What if the words you’re speaking aren’t true of the real you? Romans 12:2 calls us to renew our minds, not by clinging to old self-perceptions, but by embracing heaven’s perspective. As Bill Johnson says, “You know your mind is renewed when the impossible looks logical.” Ready to rewire? Start with this: “I am deeply and completely loved by God, just as I am, and there’s nothing I can do about it.” Speak it. Believe it. Because it’s true!
Need some encouragement and a good laugh? Today's Kus Word* is your weekday blast of inspiration! Join Christian life coach and Bible nerd, Michele Kus, for some piping hot FREEDOM-bombs, dropping every morning, Monday through Friday. #TodaysKusWord
*{There is no actual cussing on Today's Kus Word!}
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It's Wednesday, March 12th, and this is Today's Kus Word. Welcome to Today's Kus Word. Your five-ish minutes a day, five days a week, bite-sized nugget of spiritual truth. Join me, Michele Kus, every Monday through Friday as I drop some powerful little grace bombs to kickstart your day. Happy Wednesday, hey you, beloved of God. You are so deeply and completely loved by God and there's nothing you can do about it. I got this super encouraging text message from Chicago yesterday. Thank you, thank you, thank you for breathing life into me today. My words have power and I will speak lovingly to myself and believe it. Well, that is music to my ears, my Windy City friend. And yes, your words have incredible spiritual power. And yes, when we hear ourselves speaking something out loud, we will eventually start to believe it.
Michele:Romans, chapter 10, verse 17, tells us that faith comes by hearing, and that includes hearing what you yourself are speaking. So by declaring these life-giving words over yourself, you are aligning with God's higher reality and training your mind to think like Jesus. You are literally plowing new pathways in your brain through that process of neuroplasticity. Pretty cool. So in Romans 12, verse 2, Paul tells us not to conform to the pattern of this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of your mind. So how does this process of renewing your mind even happen? So it's entirely within your power to rewire your brain to think the way Jesus thinks. This is like, not some magical act. It's not like, oh, I've decided to follow Jesus and now all of my thoughts and all of my words are going to magically line up with heaven. Nope, I wish it were that easy. It's not something that is going to magically fall on us one day and all of a sudden we wake up and our minds are somehow renewed, just because we've said yes to Jesus. When we say yes to Jesus which, by the way, is a really good idea we bring with us all of our old thought patterns and all of our old limiting beliefs and all of our old self-condemnation and all of our old low self-esteem right along with us into the kingdom. But you know what? It's okay because the Holy Spirit can work with us, and then, over time, those thought patterns are slowly transformed and we start to think less like the world and more like Jesus.
Michele:So let me give you a very simple example. If you hear of someone who is suffering physically maybe they have an illness, maybe they had an accident or require some kind of surgery, and your first gut instinct is to go pray for healing for that person, because you know that God has the power to heal bodies, that is an area where your mind has been renewed, because and I probably don't have to tell you this, the world typically does not think that way, right? So people who are full of the Spirit of God think that way. Bill Johnson has this great quote where he says "You know that your mind is renewed when the impossible looks logical". So renewing our mind is about aligning our thoughts and our words with heaven every day, and this requires an act of our will. It requires us actually opening our mouths and speaking what heaven is saying. God is inviting us to partner with him in all areas of our life, and that includes what we say.
Michele:So some of these declarations, or Kus Words, if you will, that I give you on this podcast they might be hard for you to say. So maybe they feel a little untrue right now or maybe they feel kind of inauthentic. Well, guess what? I have news for you, if you're in the habit of always thinking negative thoughts about yourself, always speaking negative words over yourself, then every single declaration I give you on this podcast is going to feel totally inauthentic for a while. It's going to sound to your ears totally inauthentic for a while. So if that's you, I want to challenge you to make the declarations anyway.
Michele:Speak in a way that feels awkward, feels inauthentic, and eventually it might start to feel authentic. I mean, let's talk about authentic. What if the words that you're saying about yourself right now aren't actually authentic to the real you? What if they aren't the words that God is saying about you? What if the words that God is saying about you are actually much, much better? So our job is not necessarily to be 100% authentic, however we define that for ourselves. Our job is to rise up and become the person that God says we are. It's authenticity versus truth. You see the difference? And that starts with the thoughts you think and the words you speak, and eventually these declarations will start to feel authentic to the real you, the true you, the you that you were created and designed to be. So eventually your authenticity will match His truth about you. Do you follow? And that, my friend, is how you know that your mind is being renewed. Okay, so let's practice.
Michele:Here's Today's Kus Word! I am deeply and completely loved by God, just as I am, and there's nothing I can do about it. That is a good Kus Word right there. All right, that's what I got for you today. I hope you enjoyed today's episode and if you did share it with a friend who needs to hear this message, and remember you can shoot me a text message. There's a little link down in the show notes that says Text Michele, just tap on that link on your phone, send me a quick text message and let me know what kind of life giving words you are speaking over yourself today. Thanks so much for joining me today and I will see you again tomorrow.